Post by Shridhar DaithankarPost by Anders LundPost by Shridhar DaithankarPost by Anders LundWhy? Disk space is not so expensive, and akonadi resources also provides
lots of benefits, such as monitoring changes and providing uniform access.
Since kmail bases access to mails on akonadi, I believe it is completely
out of question in any case.
I am asking for disabling the caching, not the akonadi resources.
Unless akonadi resources cannot work without a cache?
AFAIK akonadi keeps track of metadata (such the headers nessecary), not
the mail bodies.
Akonadi also stores mail bodies below a certain threshold (I think the default
is 4 KiB; this value can be configured in the database configuration file;
this is a global setting, i.e. it applies to all resources) in the database.
I'm not sure whether it also stores copies of larger mails outside of the
database in its cache. The latter wouldn't be sensible for local resources.
Post by Shridhar DaithankarWhich is ok, but this data does not need to be cached. It can be fetched
No. Akonadi caches headers that are necessary for displaying the list of
messages in a folder. If this data wouldn't be cached then Akonadi would have
to read all of the mails in a folder whenever you open this folder. Even with
an SSD this would be magnitudes slower than reading the same data from a
database table.
Post by Shridhar DaithankarThe reason I am asking is, if feasible, I would like to file a feature
request where akonadi caching can be disabled for local resources and can
optionally be disabled for other resources.
It may be possible to reduce the amount of data that is cached. So, please
file a feature request. The worst that can happen is that the Akonadi
developers close it, if they think, it's not feasible.
Post by Shridhar DaithankarThe later case applies where I run a local IMAP server.
This should be possible. Currently, Akonadi caches at least the most recent
messages for IMAP resources.
Post by Shridhar DaithankarThis will save space and processing as detailed in another message in the
More importantly, I hope to get rid of several short-lived annoying data
behehaviours of akonadi. There are too many of them to report and not all of
them have reproduction, making the overall experience annoying enough.
If for nothing else, whenever somebody reports a problem and if it can be
fixed by disabling caching, the devs can know which layer to look into. This
could help in further debugging the problem.
And for the resources that benefit from caching, what is the procedure to
resync the cache?
There may be other possibilities (I didn't see anything obvious in
akonadiconsole, but maybe akonadictl has something), but, if you did not set
lots of special settings for the folders (e.g. mail filters, identities,
expiration or archiving options, etc.), then the easiest procedure is removing
and re-adding the resource.