Is it safe to play with file_lost+found?
Luis Felipe Tabera
2014-03-04 09:31:14 UTC
Dear all,

In my akonadi folder there is a file_lost+found folder with 3K files and a size
of 400MB.

I am wondering if it is safe to move, delete etc these files.

For instance I have a mail file of 22MB and the very same file is also in a
local mail folder. So it seems that deleting the copy if file_lost+found would
be safe.

fdupes show many duplicated files here.

Assume that I find a file that is truly lost+found, for instance a vcf file that
should be in my personal contact list but it is not. Is it safe to move the
file to its coorect location? Copying it maybe?

Best regards,

Henk van Velden
2014-03-04 09:52:19 UTC
Post by Luis Felipe Tabera
Dear all,
In my akonadi folder there is a file_lost+found folder with 3K files and a
size of 400MB.
I am wondering if it is safe to move, delete etc these files.
For instance I have a mail file of 22MB and the very same file is also in a
local mail folder. So it seems that deleting the copy if file_lost+found
would be safe.
fdupes show many duplicated files here.
Assume that I find a file that is truly lost+found, for instance a vcf file
that should be in my personal contact list but it is not. Is it safe to
move the file to its coorect location? Copying it maybe?
Best regards,
KDE PIM users mailing list
Subscription management: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kdepim-users
The file lost+found belongs to the file system where it is located (in the
root of that file system). It normaly should be empty. But when there
are/were problems with your file system, saved files can be there.

You must find out what the problems with that file system are/were. In any
case do an fsck of the (unmounted) file system.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Henk van Velden
Luis Felipe Tabera
2014-03-04 10:00:54 UTC
Post by Henk van Velden
The file lost+found belongs to the file system where it is located (in the
root of that file system). It normaly should be empty. But when there
are/were problems with your file system, saved files can be there.
You must find out what the problems with that file system are/were. In any
case do an fsck of the (unmounted) file system.
Thanks for the anwser, I did not explain myself well.

I refer to the .local/share/akonadi/file_lost+found folder that akonadi
creates when running akonadictl fsck

Martin Steigerwald
2014-03-04 12:09:30 UTC
Post by Luis Felipe Tabera
Post by Henk van Velden
The file lost+found belongs to the file system where it is located (in the
root of that file system). It normaly should be empty. But when there
are/were problems with your file system, saved files can be there.
You must find out what the problems with that file system are/were. In any
case do an fsck of the (unmounted) file system.
Thanks for the anwser, I did not explain myself well.
I refer to the .local/share/akonadi/file_lost+found folder that akonadi
creates when running akonadictl fsck
I never seen this one. Even after I ran akonadictl fsck once.

Did you have any output on console or more likely ~/.xsession-errors?

Do you miss any mails, calender entries or addresses? (I know that might be
difficult to say considering the usual amount of mails at least.)

Maybe someone else knows more about this?
Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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Daniel Vrátil
2014-03-10 13:13:56 UTC
Post by Luis Felipe Tabera
Dear all,
In my akonadi folder there is a file_lost+found folder with 3K files and a
size of 400MB.
I am wondering if it is safe to move, delete etc these files.
For instance I have a mail file of 22MB and the very same file is also in a
local mail folder. So it seems that deleting the copy if file_lost+found
would be safe.
fdupes show many duplicated files here.
Assume that I find a file that is truly lost+found, for instance a vcf file
that should be in my personal contact list but it is not. Is it safe to
move the file to its coorect location? Copying it maybe?
This is created by akonadictl fsck when files are found in file_db_data that
reference to items that are no longer stored in Akonadi.

It is safe to delete content of this directory.

Post by Luis Felipe Tabera
Best regards,
KDE PIM users mailing list
Subscription management: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kdepim-users
Daniel Vrátil | ***@redhat.com | dvratil on #kde-devel, #kontact, #akonadi
KDE Desktop Team
Associate Software Engineer, Red Hat, Inc.

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Luis Felipe Tabera Alonso
2014-03-11 08:05:46 UTC
Post by Daniel Vrátil
Post by Luis Felipe Tabera
Dear all,
In my akonadi folder there is a file_lost+found folder with 3K files and a
size of 400MB.
This is created by akonadictl fsck when files are found in file_db_data that
reference to items that are no longer stored in Akonadi.
It is safe to delete content of this directory.

Just in case, I deleted the mails that where duplicated and moved the rest to
a new mail folder. Deleted them after checking they could be deleted.

